Cities are the central hubs of the world economy, responsible for more than 80 percent of GDP. They are at the forefront of disruptive change and vulnerable to many global threats.
But they also bring people together, foster their creativity, and prove to be extraordinarily experimental and resilient. They stand up for openness; open borders, open societies, open future. They are the best model against inward-looking mindsets and have the potential to encourage democratic governance from below. It is the cities that are already working on new local, economic, environmental and social policy solutions.
The city of the future, what should it look like and who contributes to its development and appearance and how can we guarantee the diversity, freedom and security of its inhabitants at the same time? How do we want to live together in the future? Will digitisation and the associated development of 3D software, BIM (Building Information Modeling) and materials research play a decisive role in determining their architecture? Which stories, places and open spaces the city of the future has to preserve in order to appear worth living in and to secure people’s fundamental rights? What can we learn from the plant world, which strategies prove to be transferable in a present full of numerous new challenges?
On the occasion of the Italian Design Day 2019, we would like to get to the bottom of all these questions as part of an expert dialogue. Four representatives of the different disciplines from Italy and Germany, who will play an important role in shaping the future of our cities, will discuss together and try to sketch their vision of the city of the future.
18.30 Welcome Address
Luigi Mattiolo, Italian Ambassador to Germany
Monika Thomas, Director General for Urban Development, Housing, Public Building Law at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
Alexander Carius, Co-founder and Executive Director of adelphi and Co-founder of the Open Society Initiative for Germany
18.50-19.05 Keynote
Stefano Mancuso, Director of the International laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV), Florence
19.05 – 20.30 Roundtable with:
Stefano Mancuso, Professor at the University of Florence and Director of LINV, Florence
Alexandra R. Toland, Junior Professor for Arts and Research Bauhaus University Weimar
Lorenzo Tripodi, Independent researcher, Film-maker and Founder of Tesserae Urban Social Research, Berlin
Norbert Palz, Professor for “Digital and Experimental Design” and First Vice President, Berlin University of the Arts
Moderated by: Luca De Biase, Innovation Editor, Nòva24 – Il Sole 24 Ore
20.30 – 21.30 Networking and Buffet