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25.06.2019, 18.30: Conference “Design, Social Innovation and Public Services: Everyday Perspectives.”



For the 1st time in Berlin the Italian Embassy to Germany will host the Social Design researcher, Ezio Manzini, who is one of the world’s leading scholars of design for sustainability, a field in which he has worked for more than 20 years. He is the founder of DESIS, an international network on design for social innovation and sustainability. He is Honorary Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Chair Professor at the University of the Arts London and currently Distinguished Professor of Design for Social Innovation at ELISAVA University Barcelona and Guest Professor at Tongji University – Shanghai and at Jiangnan University – Wuxi.
Among his books Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation (MIT 2015) and Politics of the Everyday (Bloomsbury 2019).

On the 25th of June, the Italian Embassy will host the Conference “Design, Social Innovation and Public Services: Everyday Perspectives” in collaboration with the Italienzentrum of Freie Universität Berlin, where Ezio Manzini will present his recent publication Politics of the Everyday and will discuss in conversation with Sabine Junginger and Bertram Maria Niessen on how social innovation and design can change public services.

PROGRAMME (the conference will be held in English)

18.30 Welcome Address S.E. Luigi Mattiolo, Italian Ambassador to Germany

18.35 Keynote Ezio Manzini, Founder of the international DESIS Network

How the “Politics of the Everyday” can influence a new generation of public services referring to active and collaborative citizens and could contribute to services emerging from a positive interaction between active people (bottom-up initiatives) and design experts (top-down initiatives).

18.55 Keynote Sabine Junginger, Head, Competence Center Design & Management at the The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Fellow Hertie School of Governance, author of Transforming Public Services by Design: Re-orienting Policies, Organizations and Services around People (Routledge, 2017), and Chair Woman Politics for Tomorrow

People do not experience Policies. They experience Services: Why design capabilities are key to citizen-centric policies and services.

19.15 – 20.00 Roundtable, moderated by: Bertram Niessen, Director of cheFare – Centre for collaborative culture, Milan

20.00 – 20.30 Q&A

20.30 – 21.30 Networking and Drinks

Click here for the invitation. Registration required by Monday, June 24th 2019:
Limited number of participants; no entry without previous registration. Please bring a valid identity card.


Please note that, on the 26th of June, the Kunstgewerbemuseum introduces in the series Design Labs the exhibition “Design for collaborative cities” by DESIS Network, presenting a selection of different DESIS Labs, located all over the world and focusing on the topic “Design for Social Innovation and Cities”. On the occasion Ezio Manzini will hold the opening lecture “Design for collaborative cities – Weaving people and places in fluid urban spaces” accompanied by a roundtable that will enable the exchange of experiences and ideas between different generations.