Italy-Germany WEBinar Series (WEBS)
Italy and Germany are linked by close commercial and cultural relations (Germany is the first market for Italian exports and the first country of origin for Italian imports). This is especially true in scientific research, with a host of active collaboration at all levels. German institutions were the main Italian partners within H2020, with 4100 common projects, against 3300 with French or British institutions.
This motivates the European and International Relations Unit (UREI) of CNR and the Office of the Scientific Attaché of the Embassy of Italy in Berlin to organize a webinar series featuring German and Italian researchers (primarily but not exclusively from CNR). The seminars are geared at a non-specialist audience of researchers and technologists, primarily from Italian and German research centers, and the community of Italian researchers in Germany, with the general goal of strengthening research and cultural relationships.
A natural facilitator of bilateral scientific relations is indeed the large community of Italian scientists in Germany, as the first foreign-nationals group in the academic staff of German universities and the third among university professors (respectively over 3700 and 280 units). Italians are also the largest group (10%) among foreign researchers in the four federal research institutions (Helmholtz, Max Planck, Fraunhofer, Leibniz).
Dr. Matteo Pardo (UREI/CNR)
Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Fiorentini (Scientific Attaché, Italian Embassy Berlin)
The Italian Embassy in Berlin and the International Relations Office of CNR organize “Italy-Germany WEBinar Series” (WEBS), an Italian-German scientific webinar series, geared at non-specialist researchers and “informed laypersons”. The inaugural installment is a mini-series (dates and registration links below) on “Sensors and Monitoring Systems”.
1st Webinar: “Designing Advanced Sensor Materials at the Nanoscale”, Wednesday, Febr. 16, 10-11.30 am
“Mens agitat molem: the age of intelligent materials” (lecture in pdf format) by Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Technical University Dresden, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
“Growing quantum devices at the EU Infrastructure ‘Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis’” (lecture in pdf format) by Pasquale Orgiani, Materials Foundry Institute (CNR-IOM) and NFFA-APE Laboratory, Trieste
Video recording of the webinar