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Call for application of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) for awards in the fields of science and innovation

Call for application_Web

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) announces the open calls for application for the following awards:

  1. The 2nd “Science, She Says” Award, recognizing the work of an outstanding young female (non-Italian) scientist who contributed to the advancement of science and technology, while performing her research in Europe. Please see the file ScienceSheSaysAward2024 for all details.
  2. The 6th “Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation” Award, recognizing the work of a young Italian citizen currently active in Germany for outstanding contributions to the advancement of bilateral scientific cooperation in any field of science and technology. Please see the file ItalianBilateralCooperationAward2024 for all details.
  3. The 6th “Innovation that Speaks Italian” Award, recognizing the work of an Italian citizen currently active in Germany towards the founding of innovative and technological startups. Please see the file InnovazioneCheParlaItalianoAward2024 for all the details.

The application deadline is 45 days from the date of this announcement (31.10.2023).